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Image by Brooke Lark


  coaching    from the      heart

While your physical health is indeed important, coaching is about so much more than that. In our sessions, either 1:1 or group sessions, we’ll address your health as a whole person: your mind, body, spirit, emotions, environment, values and purpose.

Throughout this process we will collaborate to improve your health and elevate the quality of your performance and life. We will explore what is truly important to you, create goals that inspire you, break down
resistance to change, and commit to action that will propel you forward. My role is to help you see what you cannot see on your own; to elicit focus, clarity, and a new perspective so that you can reach an optimal state of health.

We will take an honest look at where you are at right now, where you want to go, and createa plan together for how to get you there.

Therapy Session

  ONE ON ONE coaching-

This is a powerful, private and intimate container where we explore your current state of health and wellbeing and work together to co-create a plan of action to
optimize your life and health. We take your vision of what you want life to look like and build
a plan to create that reality.

Image by Becca Tapert

Group coaching

This is a round robin type of coaching where I coach each person in the group for a set amount of time. This can be beneficial in that many people experience similar problems and so through this container you can see and hear the experiences of others and have insight from multiple perspectives. This can be a very powerful container
but requires each participant to be vulnerable and trusting of the container.

Image by Element5 Digital


Travel is one of my passions. I find inspiration and calm when I get to visit exotic and beautiful places. On my retreats, this is what we will explore together. When we go on a retreat the purpose is to create space for ourselves to contemplate, create new intentions and see our visions for the future. The retreats will include a gorgeous location with a stay
at a high-end hotel, exclusive, hand picked excursions and tours, meditation time, some meals and drinks may be included depending on location, time to explore on your own if you choose, a gift bag, and private facebook groups with information leading up to the trip.
(Coming Soon)

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